Project Approach
Translation Methodology for exceptional performance in cost, quality, service and time.
At Intertranslations, we believe that excellent project management lies at the heart of superior translations. Our translation professionals work closely with you to develop a process to ensure your exact needs and deadlines. Then, they coordinate the translation team throughout the process and keep you fully informed at every step. Our purpose is to guide your organization’s translation and localization projects through unobstructed communication and mutually agreed expectations.
Intertranslations appoints a translation project team which executes and manages the translation projects assigned by the client. We then follow the approach set out below:
• Define the required translation project management resources to ensure the timely delivery of the entire task
• Create a centralized translation management team, aiming to reduce co-ordination efforts and optimize synergies
• Ensure that all languages are fully covered by highly specialized translators (vendors)
• Put together an experienced specialized translators team in the required subject fields and industry
• Provide sufficient translation resources (vendors) that are able to manage the estimated translation volumes and maintain the requested time frames
• Ensure a translation quality assurance system that meets the expectations and requirements of the client
• Use the appropriate translation tools (such as translation memory, translation software and terminologies) to exploit the accumulated knowledge and achieve cost reduction
• Design translation work processes that are tailored to the requirements of the client and are in compliance with the contractual terms
• Use the translation tools and technical infrastructure that ensure the smooth and effective performance of the services provided
• Apply a translation quality assurance system that eradicates the need for any further correction of the assigned task